Fear is always a significant deterrent...Redefining oneself does not have to be a grand gesture: it can be thorough small adjustments in lifestyle, art, physical activity, faith, relationships, or work. The key is to do it: don't wait for catastrophe to force change on you. "You can do so much in a year, so much in a month, even so much in a single day if you just get started."
- Glenn Mitsui
"Decide what you want - what you can live with and what you can't - your key values. Everyone's are different, and there are no right or wrong answers. To do good work or to make a good life, it's the same thing: You have to know yourself."
- Lana Rigsby
"This is how you build confidence - by staying in the game. Every day, it is stamina that helps you get the good idea and see it through to the end."
- Noreen Morioka
Failure is an experience that teaches as much as it hurts.
The safe path is often a circuitous one, a route that leads to nowhere. And the more familiar that path becomes, the more fearful the traveler is to leave it, whether he or she is enjoying the journey or not. That's why it is so important to turn the unknown into the known, and to do this as expediently as possible. "...To do anything worthwhile, you have to take a few risks. You can only start to take risks when you realize what your life is worth."
"Do something that is completely out of context with your normal life. Get away from home and work. Think about what really makes you happy, write it down, and then do it. Come back home and move on it. The only way to start is just to start."
- James Lienhart
"If you aren't being honest with yourself, you aren't much good to anybody. You cannot be good at your job if you aren't being honest about what your job actually is, or what you want it to be."
- Paul Rodger
When you go through something tough, something that really stretches you, you learn what is important to you. Learning what is truly important is the best gift you can give yourself.
- Terry Marks
"Very early in my career, I had a mentor who said that once every six months you should sit down, and without spending too much time thinking about it, list five to ten things you would really like to be doing. His advice was that if you find yourself doing things that are not on your list after several of these reviews, then maybe you need to reconsider your plan."
- Eric Madsen
"You are only put on the planet for a short time. Do what you want to be doing in life. Even a small change in your course could make you happier as a person and as a designer."
- Jesse Doquilo
"You have to make the leap of faith - not be reckless or wild, but you do have to throw yourself out there and just do it. It is scary, and you might fail, but that is all the more reason to do it. That's what makes life exciting. That's what lets you know you are really pushing."
- Sean Adams
...sometimes it's best to simply...let go. When a situation starts to affect the quality of your life and creativity, it's time to change plans.
"You have to be honest about, and responsible for, what you want."
- Jeff Keedy
And then there's Bruce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
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